package assignment1;
import java.util.Arrays;
* This is a display grid class. It helps organize and format elements into grid
* patterns for onscreen display.
* @author Jon Olson
public class OlsonJGrid
* The grid itself.
protected Object[][] grid = null;
* Column width information.
protected int[] widths = null;
* Used to signal if the row has data at all.
protected boolean[] rowData = null;
* Default constructor. It does nothing.
public OlsonJGrid()
* Initialize the grid to a specific dimension
* @param width the starting width
* @param height the starting height
public OlsonJGrid( int width, int height )
expandSize( width, height );
* Add a single row to the grid. This is the same as using
* {code}addColumns(1){/code}
* @return the new height
public int addColumn()
return addColumns( 1 );
* Add a number of columsn to the grid. This is the same as calling
* {code}expandSize(count, 0); result = getWidth();{/code}
* @param count how many columns to add
* @return the new width
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if count is < 0
public int addColumns( int count ) throws IllegalArgumentException
expandSize( count, 0 );
return getWidth();
* Add a single row to the grid. This is the same as using
* {code}addRows(1){/code}
* @return the new height
public int addRow()
return addRows( 1 );
* Add a number of rows to the grid. This is the same as calling
* {code}expandSize(0, count); result = getHeight();{/code}
* @param count how many rows to add
* @return the new height
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if count is < 0
public int addRows( int count ) throws IllegalArgumentException
expandSize( 0, count );
return getHeight();
* Retrieve the number of rows in the grid
* @return the number of rows
public int getHeight()
if ( rowData == null )
return 0;
return rowData.length;
* Retrieve the number of columns in the grid
* @return the number of columns
public int getWidth()
if ( widths == null )
return 0;
return widths.length;
* Expand the size of the grid
* @param byWidth how many columns to add
* @param byHeight how many rows to add
* @return If anything was changed. i.e. false if both parameters are zero
* and true for all positive values.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if either parameter is < 0
public boolean expandSize( int byWidth, int byHeight ) throws IllegalArgumentException
if ( byWidth < 0 || byHeight < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You can only add positive numbers of columns." );
else if ( byWidth == 0 && byHeight == 0 )
// nothing needs to be done.
return false;
// existing measurements
int width = getWidth(), height = getHeight();
// ensure we have at least dimensions of one.
int newWidth = Math.max( width + byWidth, 1 );
int newHeight = Math.max( height + byHeight, 1 );
// initialize the new grid
Object[][] newGrid = new Object[ newHeight ][ newWidth ];
for ( Object[] row : newGrid )
Arrays.fill( row, null );
// copy over the existing values from the current grid
for ( int i = 0; i < height; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < width; ++j )
newGrid[i][j] = grid[i][j];
grid = newGrid;
// expand the widths array if needed
if ( width < newWidth )
int[] newWidths = new int[ newWidth ];
Arrays.fill( newWidths, 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < width; ++i )
newWidths[i] = widths[i];
widths = newWidths;
// expand the rowData array if needed
if ( height < newHeight )
boolean[] newData = new boolean[ newHeight ];
Arrays.fill( newData, false );
for ( int i = 0; i < height; ++i )
newData[i] = rowData[i];
rowData = newData;
return true;
* Set the value of a particular cell. If the coordinate is outside the
* current bounds of the grid, it will be expanded.
* @param x the one-based horizontal coordinate of the cell to set
* @param y the one-based vertical coordinate of the cell to set
* @param value the value to use.
public void set( int x, int y, Object value )
if ( x <= 0 || y <= 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Positive, non-zero coordinates required." );
int exX, exY = exX = 0;
if ( rowData == null )
exY = y;
else if ( y > getHeight() )
exY = y - getHeight();
if ( widths == null )
exX = x;
else if ( x > getWidth() )
exX = x - getWidth();
expandSize( exX, exY );
if ( (grid[y][x] == null) != (value == null) )
Object test;
boolean empty = true;
// check the row for emptiness
for ( int i = 0; i < grid[y].length && empty; ++i )
if ( i == x )
test = value;
test = grid[y][i];
empty = test == null;
rowData[y] = !empty;
int max = 0;
// check the column largest cell
for ( int i = 0; i < grid.length; ++i )
if ( i == y )
test = value;
test = grid[i][x];
if ( test != null )
max = Math.max( max, test.toString().length() );
widths[x] = max;
else if ( grid[y][x] != null && value != null )
widths[x] = Math.max( widths[x], value.toString().length() );
grid[y][x] = value;
* Clear the value from a specified coordinate. If the coordinate is outside
* of the current grid, it will be expanded to fit.
* @param x the one-based horizontal coordinate to clear
* @param y the one-based vertical coordinate to clear
public void clear( int x, int y )
set( x, y, null );
* Generate a string showing the values stored in the grid.
* @return the string
public String toString()
// if there's no data, return an empty string.
if ( getHeight() == 0 )
return "";
// set up the pieces of the edges
String left = "+-", middle = "-+-", right = "-+", span = "-";
String leftBar = "| ", middleBar = " | ", rightBar = " |";
String hiLo = "";
// calculate how many actual columns we have
int columns = 0;
for ( int width : widths )
if ( width > 0 )
// if we found out that none of the columns had data, return an empty
// string.
if ( columns <= 0 )
return "";
// build the top/bottom border using the column count
int column = 0;
hiLo += left;
for ( int i = 0; i < widths.length; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < widths[i]; ++j )
hiLo += span;
if ( widths[i] > 0 && ++column < columns )
hiLo += middle;
hiLo += right;
// build the output
String out = hiLo + "\n";
for ( int i = 0; i < grid.length; ++i )
// don't process the row if there's isn't any row data
if ( !rowData[i] )
out += leftBar;
column = 0;
for ( int j = 0; j < grid[i].length; ++j )
// do we need to process this column?
if ( widths[j] <= 0 )
// what type of data do we have in this cell?
if ( grid[i][j] == null )
out += String.format( "%" + widths[j] + "s", " " );
else if ( grid[i][j] instanceof Long ||
grid[i][j] instanceof Integer ||
grid[i][j] instanceof Short ||
grid[i][j] instanceof Byte ||
grid[i][j] instanceof Float ||
grid[i][j] instanceof Double )
out += String.format( "%" + widths[j] + "s", grid[i][j] );
out += String.format( "%-" + widths[j] + "s", grid[i][j] );
// increase the column counter to see if we need to skip the
// middle bar
if ( ++column < columns )
out += middleBar;
out += rightBar + "\n";
out += hiLo;
return out;